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Tbackpage Post Roles policy

If you post nude images, your advertisement will be removed.

Your advertising will be removed if it is in another category.

If the title of an ad contains the name of an app or website, the post will be removed

A scam report will appear in the photo of a post. The position will be deleted.

Accounts linked to the advertisement's body content will be blocked.

The account will be removed if the advertisement title contains lousy language or words of crime.

Reporting a scam in an advertisement will result in the account being banned.

Depending on the content of the advertisements and the images, the account may be banned many times.

Post & Protection:

We would like to announce that tbackpage doesn't accept any scamming and more. tbackpage is an open place to everyone & and anyone can post anything here. But have a special issue to protect our customers and anyone else. No scamming is allowed in tbackpage. If anyone posts here any images and if someone complains about the image or personal issues, Then we will immediately go against the post and definitely remove it. tbackpage is always in your legal support. Use tbackpage as you want and no worries about your Privacy!

Acceptance of online privacy policy

whenever you get, utilize, article, compose an article or answer, or visit the website, you indicate your approval of this then-current online privacy policy. For those who might well not acknowledge this Privacy Policy, then you aren't licensed to work with the Site and have to stop usage of the website instantly.